NAE Journal




Call for Papers

The Journal of Nigerian Academy of Education has an Editorial Board and accepts well researched theoretical and empirical articles on current issues in the field of education. It must have educational value.

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The Nigeria Academy of Education, an umbrella body for education is one of the five National Academies in the country. It was established on 16th February, 1985; and has grown to its present status. Its membership is made up of individual and educational institutions. The academy has well defined objective and qualifications. It holds annual seminars and congresses and publishes Journals, Congress reseedings and yearbooks in addition to collective research based on approved projects.

Academy of Education Consult Nigeria Limited is the corporate arm of the Nigeria Academy of Education which was incorporated in 2012. The NAE/Consult in collaboration with other partners seeks to support teachers' professional development to ensure quail teaching and improved learning outcomes. Good quality training and reflective professional development are essential parts of a teacher's professional life. The Mandate of the NAE offers a number of routes of the professional development of teachers according to the are experience and needs ranging from subject specific in the curriculum offering at both Basic, Senior Secondary School and Tertiary education levels. The mandate of the Academy in professional development programme area is to promote and maintain high standards of professional practice. Programme area activities include but not exclusive to matters related to:

  • Pedagogy,
  • Curriculum and student assessment,
  • Social justice,
  • Leadership and staff development,
  • Teachers education and induction,
  • Technology integration,
  • Educational accountability and
  • Educational Research

The Academy usually conducts needs assessment in order to:

  • Determine what topics needs to be offered;
  • Develop a module(s) which offers tools and technique that educators can implement to help student develop and sharpen their learning and writing skills, as well as out – of – box thinking, self confidence, leadership and respect for peers.
  • Schedule workshops in the modality that works best for our target audience
  • Prepare on assessment form to ask for honest and authentic feedback to enable us make an effort to implement suggestions.

The academy is very much involved in all aspects of the education system by its involvement in the three tier of Policy Formation, by being a member of the following bodies:

  • Joint Consultative Committee in Education (JCCE) Reference
  • Joint Consultative Committee in Education (JCCE) Plenary and
  • National Council in Education (NCE)
The Academy prepares and presents to the members of that policy making body all aspects of its findings in education including all research outcomes.

Curriculum Review – NAE is involvd in the development of the UBEC programme, the new 9 year Basic Education Curriculum and the new Senior Secondary Education Curriculum.

  • It has been involved in many Ministerial Committees constituted by the Federal Ministry of Education and many task forces in repositioning education.
  • It was a member of the 2014 National Constitutional Conference where it made a number of presentations to improve education.

It is represented on the Board of three grade A parastatals whose responsibilities touch the core of the education system under the Federal Ministry of Education namely:

  • Nigerian Educational Research and Development Council (NERDC)
  • Teacher Registration Council of Nigeria (TRCN)
  • National Commission for Colleges of Education (NCCE), and
  • Its member are the core participants in the NTI – Capacity Building Programme