NAE Journal




Call for Papers

The Journal of Nigerian Academy of Education has an Editorial Board and accepts well researched theoretical and empirical articles on current issues in the field of education. It must have educational value.

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Journal of the Nigerian Academy of Education (JONAED) is peer-reviewed, journal published twice a year: May and November of each year. Contributors should adhere to the guidelines for submission of articles, to facilitate editorial work.

  1. All manuscripts should be typed double-line spaced on A4 paper using Times New Roman font size 12.
  2. Papers should not be more than 15 pages, and inclusive of abstract of about 250 words.
  3. The title page should bear the author's full name (No initials), surname first, highest qualification, address, email and phone number.
  4. The following sub-headings of the empirical papers should be used: Abstract (Single line spaced and italicized), Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Recommendations, & References.
  5. APA Style, 6th edition should be strictly adhered to in all aspects of the paper.
  6. Do not repeat the research questions and hypotheses under the Results, only Table numbers and titles reflecting them should be used.
  7. Submit 3 copies of the paper with evidence of payment of N5000 editing fee, paid into JONAED FBN account 2032546695, to Editor-in-chief, Prof. Grace C. Offorma, Department of Arts Education, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State.
  8. Submission of manuscripts is on-going, as the journal is published twice a year- May and November.
  9. All accepted papers are submitted for plagiarism test using Turnitin and authors bear the cost of the test.
  10. The authors are informed of the publication status of their papers. If accepted for publication, the soft copy is sent to the Editor-in-chief's email address:
  11. Contributors will be informed in which volume and number their articles will be published.
  12. I humbly request members to encourage our mentees to co-publish with us.
  13. I also plead with the authors of the articles published in this issue to assist the Nigerian Academy of Education to disseminate information about this learned journal.

Prof. Grace C. Offorma